News Article Title Version Source Discovered
BBC returns to Tolstoy's War and Peace 2 guardian
Burmese rescued off Sri Lanka 'threw dead into sea' 0 bbc
Whales benefit from action on ocean noise 1 bbc
Anti-Apartheid Leader Forms New Party in South Africa 4 nytimes
Russian Legislator’s Body Is Found In a Barrel Filled With Concrete 2 nytimes
Amazon Cuts Links to Company Facing Furor Over Security 0 nytimes
For His Second Act, Japanese Premier Plays It Safe, With Early Results 0 nytimes
Iran: Death Sentences for Fraud 0 nytimes
Israel: Obama to Receive Award 0 nytimes
Reeva Steenkamp's corpse was in the morgue, her body was on the Sun's front page 4 guardian
How much bigger can container ships get? 0 bbc
Denis Mukwege: The rape surgeon of DR Congo 0 bbc
BBC strike: David Cameron insists corporation is 'well funded' 1 guardian
Obama Could Revisit Arming Syria Rebels as Assad Holds On 2 nytimes
Armenia President Serge Sarkisian 'wins new term' 4 bbc
Food industry playing for time on regulation, says obesity expert 2 guardian