News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Furor Over Use of Horse Meat Grows in Britain Despite Testing 2 nytimes
Coronation Street's Michael Le Vell charged with child rape 5 bbc
Ligety Completes Rare Triple at the World Championships 2 nytimes
U.S. Faces Fire as It Pulls Out of Afghanistan 0 nytimes
School Bus Drivers’ Union in New York Ends a Strike 1 nytimes
Debt crisis overshadows Cyprus presidential election 0 bbc
Texas Senator Goes on Attack and Raises Bipartisan Hackles 4 nytimes
Furor Over Use of Horse Meat Grows in Britain Despite Testing 1 nytimes
Shock Wave of Fireball Meteor Rattles Siberia, Injuring 1,000 1 nytimes
Five life terms for multiple killer Christopher Speight 0 bbc
Why do radiologists miss dancing gorillas? 0 bbc
J Crew show at New York fashion week gives flavour of styles heading to the UK 1 guardian
Ligety, Critical of Changes to Skis, Wins Third Gold on Them at Worlds 1 nytimes
To Avoid Delay, Airbus Drops Lithium-Ion Batteries 7 nytimes
Tearful in Court, Pistorius Later Disputes Murder Charge 12 nytimes
U.S. Soccer Player Opens Up About Being Gay 3 nytimes