News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Iraq war did more harm than good, says Douglas Alexander 0 guardian
Pope says he will be 'hidden to the world' after resignation 1 guardian
Lab rats 'acquire sixth sense' 1 bbc
Ed Miliband backs 'mansion tax' to fund 10p tax rate return 5 bbc
Backpacker Sam Woodhead missing in Australian outback 2 bbc
Laurie Anderson: music for dogs and Obama 2 guardian
Ex-priest Robert Coles admits sexual offences against boys 0 bbc
Derby fire deaths: Father 'physically abusive to ex-girlfriend' 0 bbc
Fairlie crash: People trapped after lorry ploughs into house 0 bbc
Obama Visits Georgia to Rally Support for Preschool Plan 1 nytimes
In praise of ... Victor Gregg 1 guardian
Horsemeat scandal: Germany pulls lasagne off shelves 3 bbc
Lloyd Webber Foundation funds £150,000 pop-up theatre 1 bbc
Sean Kelly released unconditionally 5 bbc
Derby fire deaths: Mother 'tried to take own life' 3 bbc
From lonely hearts to electronic dating 5 bbc