News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Rolls-Royce sees profits and revenues rise 0 bbc
French and German economies contracted at end of 2012 1 bbc
100th Self-Immolation Reported Inside Tibet 0 nytimes
Mexico arrests six men over Acapulco rape of Spanish tourists 0 guardian
India inflation rate dips to three-year low in January 0 bbc
Lee Boxell case: Fresh appeal 25 years on for missing teen 0 bbc
Pulp's Jarvis Cocker up for best radio broadcaster 0 bbc
Oscar Pistorius 'shoots girlfriend' - local media 1 bbc
Secure colleges plan for young offenders 1 bbc
Is romance dead? 0 guardian
Aid to Syria fails to keep pace with desperate need as death toll rises 0 guardian
Young offenders: government plans to put education 'at heart of detention' 0 guardian
French economy shrank in fourth quarter of 2012 0 bbc
Wrexham GPs protest over patient safety 0 bbc
Police checks on partners broke data laws 0 bbc
To Go: Plastic-Foam Containers, if the Mayor Gets His Way 0 nytimes