News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Five children injured after ski-lift derails at the Lecht 7 bbc
A Real-Life Spy Mystery Unfolding in Israel 0 nytimes
Michael Gove is not just a bungler, he's a destructive ideologue 0 guardian
Apple CEO Tim Cook asks parishioners to have a little faith in investments 0 guardian
Comcast to take over NBCUniversal for $16.7bn 0 bbc
Senate panel approves Chuck Hagel defence nomination 1 bbc
Loch Fitty in Fife to be drained and mined for coal 1 bbc
'Fugitive LA cop Dorner' in police shoot-out 1 bbc
Mexican media scandal: secretive Televisa unit promoted PRI candidate 4 guardian
Officials Report Shootout With Fugitive Ex-Officer 0 nytimes
Obama to Push Split Congress to Act on Guns and Economy 1 nytimes
Child knocked down in Ballymena, County Antrim 0 bbc
Eastleigh by-election candidate list so far 1 bbc
Putin Aims to Limit Officials’ Investments Abroad 0 nytimes
Five children injured after skilift derails at the Lecht 6 bbc
American Vermouth: Anything Goes 0 nytimes