News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Tests in Mice Misled Researchers on 3 Diseases, Study Says 2 nytimes
The Comment Group: The hackers hunting for clues about you 0 bbc
Scottish Parliament referendum power to be rubber-stamped by Privy Council 0 bbc
Iceland dismisses prospect of mackerel wrangle sanctions 0 bbc
Child hospital stays 'keep rising' 0 bbc
Deaths mar Yemen's 2011 revolt anniversary 1 bbc
Government Panel in Afghanistan Confirms Widespread Torture of Detainees 3 nytimes
David Cameron admits Britain's EU position stronger thanks to defiant MPs 1 guardian
Anti-abortion feelings declining – poll 1 guardian
Zen Groups Distressed by Accusations Against Teacher 1 nytimes
Fears of the Future Haunt a Budding Generation of Afghan Strivers 1 nytimes
Kenya hosts first televised presidential debate 0 guardian
Horse meat scandal: Can brands like Findus recover? 0 bbc
Conservatives to publish draft royal charter on press regulation 0 bbc
Horsemeat scandal: Government to hold food summit 0 bbc
Euro rises as finance ministers meet 4 bbc