News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Jesse Jackson urges Obama to 'come home' and tackle Chicago's gun crisis 0 guardian
Inequality for All – another Inconvenient Truth? 0 guardian
Are dark arts spinning out of control in Michael Gove's department? 0 guardian
Michael Gove advisers face claims of smear tactics against foes 0 guardian
Children are 'upset' by online violence, study finds 0 guardian
Timbuktu Gives France’s President an Ecstatic Welcome 5 nytimes
Marxist Group Claims Attack on Embassy in Turkey 2 nytimes
Female genital mutilation questions could be raised by midwives 1 guardian
Olympic legacy damaged by cuts, warn Tania and Mo Farah 0 guardian
Hoax object left at St Mary's Star of the Sea Church, Newtownabbey 2 bbc
White House posts Obama shooting picture on Flickr 0 bbc
Backstage Glimpses of Clinton as Dogged Diplomat, Win or Lose 2 nytimes
Syrian Opposition Leader Confers With U.S. and Russia 1 nytimes
French Leader Visits Timbuktu After His Troops Liberate City 4 nytimes
Syria opposition chief invited to Moscow 1 bbc
Alabama standoff: police thank suspect for 'taking care of our child' 0 guardian