News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Hugo Chavez leaves Venezuela in economic muddle 3 bbc
Venezuela's Hugo Chavez dies aged 58 5 bbc
Russia Detains Dancer in Bolshoi Acid Attack 11 nytimes
Hugo Chávez, president of Venezuela, dies in Caracas 2 guardian
Hugo Chávez obituary 1 guardian
Childcare costs rising by more than twice the rate of inflation 0 guardian
Peers want more vetting of EU applicant states 0 bbc
Stomach cancer 'spotted by breath test' 0 bbc
Northern Ireland man denies Italy money laundering claims 2 bbc
Real Madrid Heads to Champions League Quarterfinals in Controversy 0 nytimes
Poll Shows Disconnect Between U.S. Catholics and Church 0 nytimes
Papal election: Your questions to David Willey 1 bbc
Spent force: Are wars still winnable? 0 bbc
Holidays, health cards, travel insurance and you 0 bbc
Sir Mervyn King writes to van man about bank loan 0 bbc
Madonna bra to go on display at new Barbican exhibition 0 bbc