News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Shomei Tomatsu obituary 1 guardian
Police pay to start £4,000 lower, at £19,000 8 bbc
Scottish independence: Westminster debates section 30 referendum order 8 bbc
Call for public to study Mars images 3 bbc
Iran struggles to woo reluctant Egypt 1 guardian
Royal 'consent' to laws revealed after FOI battle 2 bbc
Revealed: America's arms sales to Bahrain amid bloody crackdown 0 guardian
Mali: who is doing what? 0 guardian
NHS regulator rules out tax exemptions for private health firms 0 guardian
HMV administration a 'major blow for Scottish music scene' 0 bbc
Mali: France pledges 'short' campaign against Islamists 5 bbc
Real IRA murders: Brian Shivers has Massereene convictions quashed 5 bbc
Why the fuss over Tony Harrison's poem V? 1 bbc
British Airways Christian employee Nadia Eweida wins case 7 bbc
Schumer Says He’s Satisfied With Hagel on Mideast 2 nytimes
Dan Brown to release new Robert Langdon book Inferno in May 5 bbc