News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Inside B&M Bargains: not quite the second coming of Woolworths 0 guardian
Ash dieback: progress at last, but more must be done to protect our forests 0 guardian
Argentina complains to UK over Queen Elizabeth Land 'imperialism' 0 guardian
Heavy rain caused flooding and travel disruption in Scotland 13 bbc
Is it the last Christmas post for a state-owned Royal Mail? 2 guardian
Three foreign tourists kidnapped in Yemen's capital 2 bbc
Rail delays affect Christmas holiday getaway 14 bbc
Consultant wins aggravated libel damages against Daily Mail 2 guardian
Quiz of the Year: 52 weeks 52 questions, part two 1 bbc
South Sudan army 'shoots down UN helicopter' 1 bbc
Paddington rail disruption to Christmas getaway 6 bbc
Georgian Soldier in NATO Afghan Force Is Missing 1 nytimes
Girl Shot by Taliban Asks That College Not Bear Her Name 3 nytimes
Boehner forced to withdraw fiscal cliff bill after Republican revolt 2 guardian
No room at the inn – but Bethlehem's popularity is a boon for Palestinians 0 guardian
Fiscal cliff deadline: what happens next 0 guardian