News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Nigeria: Blaze hits Lagos 'after fireworks blast' 2 bbc
First Fighting Islamists, Now the Free Market 1 nytimes
Hunting: Minister says ban repeal vote 'not imminent' 3 bbc
World's Longest High-Speed Rail Line Opens in China 0 nytimes
Syria crisis: Military police chief al-Shalal defects 0 bbc
Viewpoint: Computer code frees us to think in new ways 0 bbc
Toyota poised to reclaim world's biggest carmaker title 0 bbc
Africa image harming aid effort, says charity Oxfam 2 bbc
Boxing Day sales: Shoppers 'set to spend £3bn' 2 bbc
India orders inquiry into Delhi gang rape 1 bbc
Stromeferry bypass: Landslide closes A890 in West Highlands 0 bbc
Tooth decay of P1 pupils in Scotland at record low 0 bbc
Nigeria: Blaze hits Lagos 'after fireworks blast' 1 bbc
Margaret Thatcher: A Japanese icon? 1 bbc
Jan. 1 Slowly Morphs From Fiscal Deadline Into Horizon 0 nytimes
Legal Curbs Said to Hamper A.T.F. in Gun Inquiries 0 nytimes