News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Americans 'are sicker and die younger' than people in other wealthy nations 1 guardian
What John Brennan's support for CIA torture meant for Sami al-Hajj 1 guardian
Welsh Secretary David Jones backing North Wales prison 1 bbc
Police officer found guilty of trying to sell information to News of the World 2 guardian
Google Chief Urges North Korea to Embrace Web 4 nytimes
Stranded killer whales break free from Hudson Bay ice 0 guardian
Obama to use Lincoln's and Martin Luther King's Bibles for swearing-in 0 guardian
Scottish independence will allow us to become more British, says Irvine Welsh 0 guardian
Academies report disguises the damage they are doing to British schools 0 guardian
China executes serial killer in Yunnan province 0 bbc
HMV launches month-long 25% sale 0 bbc
Cynon Valley murder: Man, 18, charged over Aberaman death 0 bbc
German actor Klaus Kinski 'abused his daughter Pola' 1 bbc
Emeli Sande gets four Brit Award nominations 1 bbc
Should you smell food before throwing it away? 3 bbc
Tom Ford backs London at fashion week finale 1 guardian