News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Fred Cobain leaves UUP and joins DUP 2 bbc
'Bucket list' teeenager Alice Pyne dies after battle with cancer 3 guardian
Animal rights activists plan direct action against beagle imports 3 guardian
Snow arrives in Grampian to cause serious problems on roads 5 bbc
A day at the Kumbh Mela festival 0 bbc
Chichester hospital sex charge health worker in court 0 bbc
Swan body parts found along Lincoln canal 0 bbc
Kumbh Mela: 'Eight million' bathers on first day of festival 0 bbc
Eight Cardiff murder arrests after death near O'Neill's 3 bbc
Parents vent fury after Croydon school is absorbed by academy chain 1 guardian
David Cameron to make key Europe speech on Friday 6 bbc
'Simpler' flat-rate state pension unveiled 2 bbc
Marks & Spencer chief under fire as sales dip 1 guardian
The genius of Jodie Foster's speech 0 guardian
BBC World News goes upmarket with move to £1bn London headquarters 0 guardian
Single-tier pension Q&A: what the state pension changes mean to you 0 guardian