News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Baby girl found dead in Bolton is named Alia by police 0 bbc
Australia PM Gillard calls leadership ballot 1 bbc
Obama in Israel: waiting for Godot 1 guardian
China IP address link to South Korea cyber-attack 3 bbc
MPs warn of £42.8m data protection shortfall 3 bbc
China manufacturing activity speeds up post holidays 0 bbc
‘Tonight,’ With New Host, Set to Reclaim Its New York Roots 4 nytimes
Tree given by Barack Obama to Israeli president not dug up – yet 6 guardian
Australian Premier Tries to Save Media Oversight Law 2 nytimes
Julia Gillard calls leadership spill amid push for Kevin Rudd to return as PM 0 guardian
Neurosurgeon’s Speeches Have Conservatives Dreaming of 2016 2 nytimes
Australia PM Gillard calls leadership ballot 0 bbc
Scottish independence: Salmond to announce referendum day 0 bbc
Planck satellite: Esa to release maps of ancient light 0 bbc
China IP address link to South Korea cyber-attack 2 bbc
Arizona debates transgender access to public toilets 1 bbc