News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Police to re-open Denis MacShane expenses investigation 1 bbc
Ice and snow hit travel and schools 7 bbc
Shark wrestler: Welsh tourist Paul Marshallsea to the rescue in Australia 1 bbc
Morsi’s Slurs Against Jews Stir Concern 3 nytimes
'Plebgate': MPs rebuke top civil servant over row 2 bbc
Web 're-defining' human identity says chief scientist 2 bbc
William Hague: UK cannot prevent terrorism in Africa 1 guardian
Syria Opposition Postpones Formation of Transitional Government 0 nytimes
Ideas for 21-22 January 0 guardian
Arcade Fire's recording studio – yours for just £205,000 0 guardian
What is causing Australia's heatwave? 0 guardian
Google v the French press: how to avoid a lose-lose scenario 0 guardian
Ivory Coast: ITRI oil tanker 'seized off Abidjan' 0 bbc
Hazel Stewart drops appeal against husband murder conviction 1 bbc
Glencoe: Tributes for avalanche victims 5 bbc
Protecting workers in dangerous places 2 bbc