News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Taking to the world's biggest bully pulpit 1 bbc
Policeman and journalist charged in payments probe 5 bbc
Israel Votes in Election Likely to Retain Netanyahu 3 nytimes
Ruth Siverns obituary 0 guardian
How UK libel laws undermined Sunday Times in Lance Armstrong case 0 guardian
Roe v Wade at 40: Republicans more conservative than ever about abortion 1 guardian
French gas cloud causes a stink in south-east England 2 guardian
School snow disruptions continue for fifth day 7 bbc
Diane Abbott: British culture 'increasingly pornified' 5 bbc
Veni, vidi, vici. Now the Pope is to tweet in Latin 1 guardian
MoD unveils third round of Army job cuts 9 bbc
William Hague: Two-state Mid-East peace chance slipping away 0 bbc
Cookson issues profits warning after weak trading 2 bbc
Suicide numbers rise sharply, especially among middle-aged men 1 guardian
Homophobic 'vigilante' video appears online 1 bbc
Body found in Patricia Goodband murder inquiry 1 bbc