News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Sculptor Thomas Crompton jailed for seven and a half years for killing wife 0 bbc
Birmingham terror suspects 'glorified 9/11' 1 bbc
Scottish independence: Lessons from the Czech/Slovak split 1 bbc
Gay marriages: Government publishes legislation 3 bbc
Dung beetles navigate by the stars 0 guardian
Matt Damon exacts revenge on Jimmy Kimmel 0 guardian
BBC director general Lord Hall to take charge on 2 April 0 guardian
Let's hear it for stay-at-home fathers 0 guardian
Benjamin Britten syphilis claims 'ludicrous', says anaesthetist 0 guardian
Lance Armstrong sued over 'lies' in books 0 bbc
Planning changes could see free schools in shops and offices 0 bbc
Clegg says Coalition was wrong to cut capital spending 7 bbc
The offal truth about American haggis 2 bbc
Why did men stop wearing high heels? 2 bbc
Bailiffs' behaviour to be controlled by new laws 6 bbc
Lib Dems condemn MP's criticism of Israel ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day 1 bbc