News Article Title Version Source Discovered
David Cameron: EU must cut budget plans 2 bbc
New York Times reports increased profits as digital revenues rise 1 guardian
Taoiseach hails bank debt deal as historic step for Ireland 7 bbc
Leighton Andrews welcomes GCSE 'U-turn' for England 1 bbc
Birmingham City Council has to save £615m 2 bbc
Kashmir girl band: Three arrested for threats to Pragaash 1 bbc
U.S. Increases Pressure of Economic War on Tehran 3 nytimes
For 2 Nominees, Vietnam Bred Doubts on War 3 nytimes
Valentine's Day: are you part of an odd couple? 0 guardian
ICC case against Kenya's deputy PM proceeds despite claim that witness lied 0 guardian
John Brennan and John Kiriakou: how to get ahead in the CIA, and how not to 0 guardian
Tunisia violence continues as PM's party rejects change of government 0 guardian
Uni Lad's shocking sexism is not just teenage, it's stone age 0 guardian
Nelson's Trafalgar uniform to move into heart of enemy territory – Paris 0 guardian
Police using discreet car surveillance cameras to be forced to put up signs 0 guardian
The violence behind closed doors 0 bbc