News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Pope Benedict XVI formally resigns to become 'pilgrim' 1 bbc
Runaway Tube train: Operators fined £300,000 1 bbc
'Factivism' for every field: why Bono is right to want more data and evidence 1 guardian
Cleveland Police finance chief Ann Hall suspended 1 bbc
Ron Fournier's amazing admission about his service to White House officials 0 guardian
White House and GOP set to let sequester deadline expire without deal 0 guardian
Google to be summoned over data grab 'excesses' 0 guardian
Cyprus's departing finance minister warns: we'll run out of money by May 0 guardian
Elba Esther Gordillo's downfall in Mexico is political, and personal 0 guardian
Catholic church sex abuse ruling could cause big spike in compensation claims 0 guardian
Police question officers in Jimmy Savile's 'breakfast club' 0 guardian
Labour to address voters' immigration concerns after Eastleigh byelection 0 guardian
Voters going to the polls in Eastleigh by-election 2 bbc
Mobile World: South Korea warns of 4G curse 4 bbc
TED 2013: 4D printed objects 'make themselves' 1 bbc
An Iowa Farmer’s Quest for No Ordinary Pig 1 nytimes