News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Contracting work out can create as many problems as it solves 0 guardian
What have Ada Lovelace, Caroline Herschel, Rosalind Franklin and Mary Somerville got in common? 0 guardian
London to get network of bike routes as part of £913m plan for safer cycling 0 guardian
Clegg fails to back Cable's call for more borrowing to fund capital investment 0 guardian
Supreme court may force UK to act on air pollution 1 guardian
Carrefour faces 'difficult' year ahead in weak eurozone 0 bbc
Frozen Android phones give up data secrets 0 bbc
Ofsted: Latest school checks show improvement 0 bbc
Kenny Ball, jazz trumpeter, dies at 82 0 bbc
Yvette Cooper: End student visitor visa loopholes 3 bbc
John Lewis announces 17% staff bonus as profits rise 2 bbc
Proportion of one-parent families triple in 40 years - ONS figures 2 bbc
Campaigners win Leeds heart surgery legal challenge 2 bbc
Birmingham stabbing: Girl killed on Hagley Road bus 3 bbc
The man who demolished Shakespeare's house 3 bbc
North Korea Warns of Pre-emptive Nuclear Attack 0 nytimes