News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Prices and technology drive 'dash' for North Sea Gas 2 bbc
Failing hospitals to be named and shamed in NHS care overhaul 1 guardian
Justices Hear Landmark Case on Allowing Gay Marriage 3 nytimes
Petrobras, Brazil’s Oil Giant, Struggles to Regain Lost Swagger 0 nytimes
Amanda Knox's retrial puts Italian justice in the dock 0 guardian
How two Birmingham gangs became allies 0 guardian
Jacintha Saldanha's family tell of grief over nurse's death as inquest date set 0 guardian
Italy India marine row: Foreign Minister Terzi quits 0 bbc
George Osborne criticises handling of Cyprus bailout 0 bbc
North Korea Calls Hawaii and U.S. Mainland Targets 1 nytimes
UK Border Agency 'not good enough' and being scrapped 2 bbc
Ash dieback: landowners will be paid to restock woodlands 2 guardian
Scotland snow: Blackout continues in Arran and Kintyre for thousands 4 bbc
Teachers vote against performance pay 1 bbc
No more covering up errors, NHS told 9 bbc
Rise in Sexual Assaults in Egypt Sets Off Clash Over Blame 1 nytimes