News Article Title Version Source Discovered
North Carolina takes down Confederate Civil War battle flag after protest 0 guardian
'Bedroom tax' and welfare cuts protesters take to streets across UK 0 guardian
Some Savers in Cyprus May Lose 60 Percent 1 nytimes
Peter Meinertzhagen obituary 3 guardian
US regulators force Standard Chartered to retract Iran sanctions comments 4 guardian
Financial crisis far from over, says outgoing Bank of England chief 2 guardian
Cyprus bailout: Dijsselbloem's U-turn creates chaos in the markets 2 guardian
The fowl extravagance of Crispin Odey's chicken house 2 guardian
Lloyds pays 25 staff more than £1m as it presses on with job cuts 3 guardian
Egypt satirist Bassem Youssef faces arrest warrant 0 bbc
Bank of England committee to reveal size of banks' funding gap 2 guardian
Banks risk further fury as bonus season begins in the City 3 guardian
Slovenia could be next candidate for eurozone bailout 2 guardian
Bank of Cyprus 'haircut' for big depositors detailed 1 bbc
Kenya Supreme Court upholds Uhuru Kenyatta election win 6 bbc
Negative interest rates are not the answer to Britain's economic woes 2 guardian