News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Very slowly, an ancient civilisation reveals itself from the tundra 0 guardian
Di Canio and the indignities suffered by Sunderland fans 0 guardian
The case for keeping Trident dwindles by the day 0 guardian
Human rights approach to trafficking 0 guardian
Attack on NGOs 0 guardian
How will the next 10 years shape the BBC's output? 0 guardian
Exxon Mobil oil spill subject to Arkansas investigation 0 bbc
Gas spark danger forces evacuation in Fife village 3 bbc
Staking a Claim in South America 0 nytimes
Iranian dairy company claims world record for the largest tub of ice-cream 2 guardian
Egypt ruling party slams US 'interference' over satirist 1 bbc
Venezuela: Maduro begins campaign in Chavez's hometown 1 bbc
Amnesty 'outrage' at Saudi paralysis sentence 0 bbc
Pakistani youth 'favour Sharia law over democracy' 0 bbc
Museums vie for £100,000 Art Fund Prize 0 bbc
Buckwild star Shain Gandee's family unable to pay funeral costs, reports say 0 guardian