News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Fighting to save the Welsh language Ymladd i achub yr iaith Gymraeg 2 guardian
Teenager arrested on murder charges over Albuquerque shooting 1 guardian
Class calculator: How people feel about class 1 bbc
François Hollande calls on Syrian rebels to form provisional government 2 guardian
Bosco Ntaganda denies Congo atrocities at international criminal court 1 guardian
Kevin Lane could face full appeal hearing 1 guardian
Hundreds of young people have received anti-radicalisation support 2 guardian
Bad counsel over police caution plan 2 guardian
Leeds General to resume child heart surgery next week 1 guardian
Roger Ebert obituary 5 guardian
Qatari emir buys six Greek islands for a song 4 guardian
Iran Says It Offers New Plan for Nuclear Program 1 nytimes
Class calculator: A US view of the class system 2 bbc
Libraries to store all UK web content 2 bbc
Third fuel tank ignites at Venezuela refinery 1 guardian
North Dakota state senate approves strict new abortion legislation 1 guardian