News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Police community support officer guilty of sex charges 2 guardian
Heard the one about the invasion of the Danish comedians? 1 guardian
Reg Dean, Britain's oldest man, dies aged 110 4 guardian
US plays down North Korea threat 0 bbc
Rat Chase Again Halts a Reactor in Japan 5 nytimes
Fighting continues in Mombasa after death of radical Islamist preacher 1 guardian
China executes four foreign nationals convicted of Mekong river murders 2 guardian
Detecting Shift in Beijing, U.S. Makes Its Case on North Korea 1 nytimes
Presidential debate: fact-checking Obama and Romney's key claims 2 guardian
US politics: what you have may have missed while Sandy was doing its worst 1 guardian
Mitt Romney gains four-point lead over Obama in post-debate poll 2 guardian
Carme Chacón: 'I am Catalan, I am Spanish, I am European' 1 guardian
Obama to tour areas hardest hit by Sandy after scrapping campaign plans 2 guardian
Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson appear in court 1 guardian
Coventry pulls out of interest-only mortgage lending 1 guardian
Ukip seizes golden moment in Rotherham byelection campaign 4 guardian