News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Man, 22, arrested over murder of Catholic police recruit 1 guardian
Palestinians warn: back UN statehood bid or risk boosting Hamas 2 guardian
Offshore companies and the boom in villas on Phuket 1 guardian
Border Agency officials apologise, but refuse to repay bonuses 1 guardian
Republican modernisers desert Romney as GOP looks to the future 1 guardian
Bangladesh Islamists march against bloggers 0 bbc
Mumbai building collapse toll rises 0 bbc
Philpott children: Derby County to hold minute's silence 0 bbc
Hebden Bridge the UK's coolest place? Mmm... 1 guardian
Republicans push 'plan B' as White House says fiscal cliff talks have ceased 1 guardian
Elizabeth Colbert Busch wins South Carolina Democratic primary 1 guardian
Police change approach to missing children cases 1 guardian
Brothers in pragmatism: riding the wave of change in the Arab spring 1 guardian
Afghan police 'ignored Interpol arrest warrant for Kabul Bank founder' 2 guardian
Sandy aftermath: Atlantic City counts the cost 1 guardian
New York versus Sandy: superstorm prompts mass clean-up – and jogging 2 guardian