News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Background on the challenges facing the new archbishop 1 guardian
Britain's nuclear hunter-killer submarines were doomed from the start 1 guardian
Poppy politics 1 guardian
Slow, leaky, rusty: Britain's £10bn submarine beset by design flaws 1 guardian
Police hold anti-Islamic film-maker in Los Angeles 3 guardian
Euro-scepticism is bridging the UK's north/south divide 1 guardian
Brian Claunch shooting intensifies pressure on Houston police 1 guardian
Spain: the pain of austerity deepens 2 guardian
Cyprus loan talks in Moscow constructive, says finance minister 1 guardian
Barack Obama hails 'eternal' US-Israel alliance at start of Middle East visit 1 guardian
Head of Colorado department of corrections shot and killed 1 guardian
Glasgow residents' final fight to save North Kelvin Meadow from bulldozer 1 guardian
Iran condemns US for 'double standards' over MEK terror de-listing 2 guardian
Matlock flooded as water main and gas pipe crack 0 bbc
North Korea: Embassies stay despite security warning 0 bbc
Six ex-NoW journalists arrested in new phone hacking inquiry 3 guardian