News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Woman jailed for taking drugs to abort baby within week of expected birth 2 guardian
US military warned to prepare for consequences of climate change 1 guardian
Lessons of Obama's victory for the US and Britain 1 guardian
Bodies found in hunt for couple missing in the Norfolk Broads 2 guardian
Spurs shame 1 guardian
Petraeus scandal rolls on as focus turns to Senate inquiry 3 guardian
Bugarach: the French village destined to survive the Mayan apocalypse 2 guardian
Window for nuclear diplomacy on Iran is now open but not for long 3 guardian
NRA's LaPierre calls for armed guards in schools after Newtown shooting 1 guardian
Police search home of TV weatherman Fred Talbot 1 guardian
Britain could deploy more troops to Gulf, says David Cameron 2 guardian
Manchester – a city never lost for words 2 guardian
Greek police accused of beating suspected bank robbers in custody 1 guardian
Chris Huhne: timeline of denials 1 guardian
In History Departments, It’s Up With Capitalism 0 nytimes
Argentina protests: up to half a million rally against Fernández de Kirchner 6 guardian