News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Ex-Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher dies, aged 87 2 bbc
Furious NatWest customers pledge to leave bank following latest IT crash 3 guardian
Arrests over Tata Steel car re-sale fraud inquiry 1 bbc
Let Biden be Biden: vice-president offers a glimpse into 'fascinating world' 1 guardian
Britain's trains have most lucrative autumn ever 1 guardian
France rebuked for conviction of man who held up sign criticising Sarkozy 2 guardian
Catholic priest accused of sexual assault reveals that he is married 1 guardian
Coventry pulls best-buy Isa as deadline approaches 3 guardian
Bombino: Niger's Tuareg guitar hero 1 guardian
Bomb Explosion Rocks Central Damascus 2 nytimes
Banks and insurers urged to create 'simple' products 3 guardian
Iranian journalist: 'Every week they try to smear me, discredit me' 1 guardian
Angela Merkel tells Davos austerity must continue 1 guardian
Deaths in custody lessons are being ignored, says charity 2 guardian
Ayn Rand Institute finds dilemma in radical author's evolving legacy 1 guardian
Wales fire kills woman and two children 2 guardian