News Article Title Version Source Discovered
South Sudan: U.N. Soldiers Killed 0 nytimes
Law School Group Incites Fury With Choice to Honor Carter 0 nytimes
Iran earthquake death toll rises 0 guardian
Gosling rides into crime and family thriller 0 bbc
Man arrested over fatal Midlands fires 2 guardian
Winter nor'easter bears down on US as region prepares for a walloping 1 guardian
Vatican newspaper gives a voice to women for first time in 150 years 1 guardian
Winston Churchill poem to be auctioned 1 bbc
Texas student charged with stabbing rampage 3 bbc
Man dies in 'russian roulette' incident 2 guardian
Alleged New York madam seeks reduced bail to look after ill son 1 guardian
Fireworks factory blaze in India kills at least 40 people 1 guardian
Arizona immigration law to take effect as judge upholds contentious section 1 guardian
Manchester police call for end to crime family feud after officers' deaths 2 guardian
Gary Glitter arrested by police on Jimmy Savile case 3 guardian
It's time the experts took their share of blame for high street woes 1 guardian