News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Italian court to rule on Amanda Knox retrial 3 bbc
Cyprus bailout: Europe's love just got even tougher 0 guardian
World's strangest orchestra - a foghorn, brass bands and 50 ships 0 guardian
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg health board needs £1m a week saving 0 bbc
Army asked to help drop food to snowbound animals 0 bbc
Cyprus bailout: Banks to stay closed until Thursday 6 bbc
Game of Thrones actor Clive Mantle has part of ear bitten off 4 bbc
British butterflies suffer devastating year after 2012's wet summer 0 guardian
Tourists released in Egypt's Sinai 0 bbc
Appeal over missing Inverness journalist Clive Dennier 0 bbc
Hometown Karachi: Returning to report on a bleeding city 2 bbc
South Korea in North 'change' call as warship dead marked 0 bbc
MPs urge readiness over housing benefit cut risks 2 bbc
Lords to vote on restoring safeguards to plan for secret courts 0 guardian
Cyprus bailout: Banks to stay closed until Thursday 5 bbc
NI manufacturing energy costs 'among highest in Europe' 0 bbc