News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Universal healthcare: how are we going to afford it? 1 guardian
Five of the worst movie sex scenes 0 guardian
The gay marriage snowball and political change 0 guardian
Bosco Ntaganda denies Congo atrocities at international criminal court 0 guardian
Pay freezes and inflation bring six months of retail sales growth to an end 0 guardian
Kevin Lane could face full appeal hearing 0 guardian
School closures in Northern Ireland 13 bbc
Bristow Group to take over UK search and rescue from RAF 7 bbc
Cyprus to bring in weekly cash curbs 4 bbc
Police's Savile Yewtree inquiry 'has gone too far' 1 bbc
Boris Johnson and the future PM question 2 bbc
Human rights groups: UAE trial 'flagrantly unfair' 0 bbc
Chetham's choirmaster Michael Brewer jailed for sexual abuse 1 bbc
Hundreds gather outside Daily Mail offices for Lucy Meadows vigil 1 guardian
Hundreds of young people have received anti-radicalisation support 1 guardian
Sun staff show support as deputy editor appears in court 1 guardian