News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Banks told to raise more capital by Bank of England 1 bbc
Energy policies 'reduce bill rises' 1 bbc
Qantas-Emirates deal gets final backing from Australia 2 bbc
David Petraeus makes public apology for affair 0 guardian
Charity governance: despite some good practice, a way to go 0 guardian
Abu Qatada deportation ruling due 0 guardian
Corporation tax decision 'deeply disappointing' 1 bbc
JWT sacks staff over Ford Berlusconi advert 1 bbc
Devon film-set beach due to be auctioned 0 bbc
North Korea warns South president 0 bbc
Northern Ireland beaches 'excellent water quality' 1 bbc
For U.S., Tie in Mexico Feels a Lot Like Victory 0 nytimes
Labour warns of teacher shortage 0 guardian
Corporation tax decision 'deeply disappointing' 0 bbc
JWT sacks staff over Ford Berlusconi advert 0 bbc
Raspberry Pi heads for the open ocean 1 bbc