News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Wales weather: Flooding hits west, snow in the north 0 bbc
Artist Stephen Wiltshire recreates view from The Shard 0 bbc
M6 snow leaves drivers stranded 1 bbc
Experience: I attacked two burglars 0 guardian
Drug addiction and abuse will not stop if drugs are legalised 0 guardian
Death sentences over Egypt football violence 0 bbc
Holocaust survivor Henia Bryer: Prisoner number A26188 2 bbc
Petrol retailers urge industry review as fuel costs rise 3 bbc
M6 snow leaves drivers stranded 0 bbc
Petrol retailers urge industry review as fuel costs rise 2 bbc
Mali crisis: Troops 'take northern town of Hombori' 4 bbc
Venezuela prison riot 'kills many' 5 bbc
A Green Deal but not a great deal 0 guardian
Syria conflict: Britain to provide extra £21m in humanitarian aid 0 bbc
Egyptian army deployed in Suez after anniversary unrest 2 bbc
Mali crisis: Troops 'take northern town of Hombori' 3 bbc