News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Two dead in bus crash involving Pennsylvania lacrosse team 6 guardian
Sarkozy 'Greater Paris' plan given go-ahead by French government 6 guardian
Washington state's Latinos find 'politics has not changed with the population' 6 guardian
Senate committee approves expanded background checks for gun purchases 5 guardian
Queen cancels public engagements 5 guardian
Mystery deepens over US film linked to Benghazi protests 5 guardian
China media: US government shutdown 0 bbc
How Beyond a Boundary broke down the barriers of race, class and empire 2 guardian
Ireland: the Seanad needs reform, but not abolition 0 guardian
Norwegian TV's 'knitathon' is its latest gripping yarn 0 guardian
Footballers take over London Underground map 0 bbc
Everton reveal crest vote results after motto U-turn 0 bbc
Devon and Cornwall PCC spends more than previous authority 0 bbc
Migrants die in Italy boat fire 0 bbc
Goldman Sachs' Blankfein warns on debt ceiling impasse 2 bbc
Japanese mayor apologises for saying US troops should use sex industry 3 guardian