News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Women's role at Peterloo revisited in Manchester anniversary walk 5 guardian
Police commissioner backs teenage adviser after 'youthful boasting' tweets 7 guardian
IRS replaces Lois Lerner amid controversy over Tea Party targeting 2 guardian
British fraud suspect found hanged in French jail 2 guardian
Cold cuts and stalemates at EU budget summit 5 guardian
Obama returns to the Jersey shore to boost storm recovery – and his image 2 guardian
Catalan separatists face poll setback 5 guardian
Young Afghans form new political movement with hopes for the future 6 guardian
Tributes paid to soldiers killed in Afghanistan 5 guardian
Iran election: Rafsanjani blocked from running for president 3 guardian
April Jones trial: Mark Bridger 'couldn't recall' what he'd done with her body 6 guardian
Australian TV drama puts spotlight on Aboriginal life 5 guardian
Could former nuclear negotiator help bring Iran in from the cold? 5 guardian
Bolshoi accused faces up to 12 years in prison for acid attack 6 guardian
Ethiopian prime minister Meles Zenawi dies after illness 8 guardian
Sheldon Adelson's billions shape US politics as many question his influence 5 guardian