News Article Title Version Source Discovered
The Rochdale child abuse case: a modern night out for kids 5 guardian
Tweet history of US drone strikes lasting longer than planned 5 guardian
Sikh man deported to Afghanistan returned to UK 6 guardian
Briton with dungeon who plotted to kidnap and eat child jailed in US 6 guardian
Hillary Clinton remains in hospital as doctors indicate 'excellent progress' 9 guardian
Rail passengers face Christmas travel chaos over engineering work 5 guardian
A million more people join the ranks of the global super-rich 1 guardian
We know ciggies kill, but who can resist a freebie? 1 guardian
Victims of crime – and of society 5 guardian
Yorkshire love story - and the winners are Brenda and Fred 5 guardian
Patient with new virus linked to Sars being kept alive on an artificial lung 5 guardian
Malaysian forces attack armed Filipino group holed up in Borneo 5 guardian
Syria civil war: 'We expend the one thing we have, men. Men are dying' 7 guardian
Vladimir Putin's former 'cardinal' forced out of government 5 guardian
Mancunians dismiss BBC fly-on-wall documentary as negative stereotyping 6 guardian
French fisherman survives crocodile attack in Australia 4 guardian