News Article Title Version Source Discovered
UK's credit rating downgraded from AAA to AA1 by Moody's 2 guardian
Open thread: What was your worst job ever? 2 guardian
Bangladesh politician sentenced to death for war crimes 1 guardian
Is plastic food packaging dangerous? 1 guardian
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 tops US box office 1 bbc
Dollar falls after US shutdown 1 bbc
China's growing interest in Californian wine 0 bbc
Violent deaths in Scotland fall to record low 0 bbc
Ex-Cleethorpes mayor Keith Brookes not guilty of sex act 0 bbc
Bafta opens TV awards up to online shows 0 bbc
'Childhood damaged' by over-testing, says poet laureate 0 bbc
US begins shutdown amid budget row 1 bbc
Tony Buckingham: I wouldn't bend evidence to help a mate 1 guardian
US should press corrupt practices charges against Murdoch, says MP 1 guardian
Rangers report operating loss of £14m 1 bbc
Thwart assault on voting rights or risk return to 'old poison', NAACP warns 1 guardian