News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Help to Buy scheme seems doomed by a rigid planning system 1 guardian
Indian media: Laloo Yadav conviction welcomed 0 bbc
Japan Sales Tax to Increase Next Year, Abe Says 0 nytimes
South Korea unveils cruise missile in military show of force 0 guardian
'After the wedding, fear set in': a Yemeni child bride's story 0 guardian
Norway's Conservatives to form coalition with anti-immigration party 0 guardian
Teachers go on strike in four English regions 0 guardian
Sri Lanka foreign minister denies Tamil abuses 0 guardian
UK farming subsidies shortchange the public, study says 1 guardian
Welsh government criticised over health debate no-show 1 bbc
Northern Ireland exam system: No case for change 6 bbc
US begins shutdown amid budget row 4 bbc
The readers' editor on… the Guardian's coverage of the Woolwich murder 1 guardian
Ex-Crimewatch presenter defends rape remarks 1 guardian
Green groups attack government resistance to EU climate change goals 1 guardian
Arrest over Zafer Eren's Southgate murder 0 bbc