News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Philippines hostages rescued as siege reaches end 0 bbc
BBC spends more than £5m on Jimmy Savile-related inquiries 2 guardian
Deficit, national debt and government borrowing - how has it changed since 1946? 12 guardian
Harlem Shake: Baauer cashes in on viral video's massive YouTube success 2 guardian
US braces for possible government shutdown 5 bbc
China's manufacturing output slows in wake of cash crunch 1 guardian
OECD jobs report reveals age gap 2 guardian
Same-sex marriage and the south 1 guardian
Widows in Cameroon: 'They should be free to live their lives' 1 guardian
Croatia has become the latest member of the EU periphery 1 guardian
Thousands march in Hong Kong to demand democratic reforms 1 guardian
Royal Mail union rejects 8.6% pay rise 1 guardian
Mugabe calls elections – and Tsvangirai rejects them as illegal 2 guardian
Sattler's standard demands a stand. His Gillard question was disrespectful 1 guardian
How voters in Eastleigh could help save the NHS 1 guardian
David Cameron to Smiths: what difference does it make? 1 guardian