News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Iran's Rouhani claims full authority to seek nuclear deal 5 bbc
Legalising drugs would be the perfect Tory policy 1 guardian
Most vulnerable jobseekers 'too costly' for Work Programme providers 1 guardian
Message in a bottle sparks Durham Cathedral graves probe 0 bbc
Man charged with murder over Jonathan Scotland flats death fall 0 bbc
PM 'not ruling out' Tube strike ban in next Tory manifesto 0 bbc
NSW church child abuse inquiry approaches heart of the matter 2 guardian
Ed Miliband lays down living wage challenge 2 guardian
Alpine climber finds 'India plane crash' jewels 1 bbc
In praise of ... battlefield Bard 1 guardian
Seaweed biofuels: a green alternative that might just save the planet 1 guardian
Lionel Messi cheered by adoring fans as he faces tax evasion claims in court 0 guardian
Back in black: has microfinance matured? 0 guardian
The 'white widow', like the black, looms larger in the imagination than in fact 0 guardian
How serious is Germany about its democratic principles? 0 guardian
Kenya official says military caused collapse of Westgate mall floors 0 guardian