News Article Title Version Source Discovered
English language requirement for claimants may be welcomed by strivers 1 guardian
The young red deer stags were on their hind legs boxing, just like hares 1 guardian
Rail franchises money for old rope 1 guardian
Secret courts act comes into force 1 guardian
Council services close to meltdown 1 guardian
Yoga guru Swami Ramdev to hold class for 1,500 1 bbc
Labor wipeout without Rudd – poll 1 guardian
In praise of … Tamara Rojo 1 guardian
Diary: I am doing it My Way, says Britain's most outspoken crime commissioner 1 guardian
Ed Miliband and the week in politics: something blue and something new 1 guardian
If the Sun really wants to help Paul Gascoigne, it should leave him alone 1 guardian
Work on UK's biggest onshore windfarm to begin next year 1 guardian
Irish MP apologises for grabbing female colleague 3 guardian
An independent Scotland could endanger sterling, Treasury warns 2 guardian
Funds withdrawn in Richard III Leicester tomb row 1 bbc
70s Stonehenge - Sighthill stone circle under threat from planners 0 bbc