News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Met looks into claims ex-News Corp subsidiary aided attack on pay-TV rival 3 guardian
Angela Merkel celebrates after German election 5 bbc
Huge rise in use of food banks since welfare changes, says aid body 4 guardian
How to teach … stories from the Holocaust 1 guardian
Government U-turn on defamation bill heralds libel reform victory 1 guardian
Weetabix supplies hit by dismal harvest 1 guardian
Aldi own-label gin beats more expensive rivals in blind taste test 1 guardian
Shakespeare's Globe opens indoor theatre to stage winter's tales 1 guardian
Google chairman Eric Schmidt defends tax avoidance policies 2 guardian
Last-minute government funding averts community radio switch-off 1 guardian
William Hague defends US-UK spy links 1 guardian
Andrew Mitchell faces legal fees setback over 'plebgate' libel case 2 guardian
Stafford's A&E set for closure as anger grows at 'crucifixion of a good hospital' 2 guardian
David Cameron: Justice for all – unless you're an immigrant 3 guardian
Royal Mail sale: staff in Manchester insist privatisation is wrong move 2 guardian
Three Britons among Kenya shopping mall attack dead 5 bbc