News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Biofuels plant opens to become UK's biggest buyer of wheat 3 guardian
Essex men arrested after courier run over during robbery 2 guardian
Britons 'undoubtedly' caught in Kenya attack, says Hague 4 bbc
Yes to Scottish independence. No to nationalism 1 guardian
The death of Daniel Somers and the importance of nuance 1 guardian
Greece: the sequel (this time with even more tourists) 1 guardian
Man shot dead with crossbow at his home 1 guardian
Spending review: parties have much to disagree on 1 guardian
Anglo Irish Bank tapes: executives mock Germans amid bailout 3 guardian
Bean-counters will never understand the transcendent value of art or religion 1 guardian
Manchester United make Twitter debut with 'New era, same spirit' 1 guardian
For legal aid lawyers, it's all about the clients 1 guardian
Danny Nightingale: court martial board considers verdict on ex-SAS sniper 1 guardian
Kenyan forces locked in standoff with militants at Nairobi shopping mall 0 guardian
Plymouth pubs and clubs evacuated after gas leak 0 bbc
Obama cybersecurity order welcomed as step forward by internet activists 2 guardian