News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Former soldiers to qualify as teachers in two years under government scheme 2 guardian
Speed cameras reduce serious road accidents, study finds 2 guardian
Election 2013: this likability race is so vulgar you could vomit 2 guardian
Every coalition U-turn: the list in full 2 guardian
Teenage Kicks tribute to John Peel removed from Belfast flyover 3 guardian
Iraq funeral bomb kills 51 0 bbc
Julia Gillard: damned if she knits, damned if she doesn't 1 guardian
3 Coalition Soldiers Are Shot Dead in Afghanistan 0 nytimes
Pakistan Releases Taliban Commander to Help Afghan Peace Efforts 0 nytimes
Israeli Soldier Is Kidnapped and Killed 0 nytimes
Chefs fight for the right to serve their pork pink 0 guardian
Alex Salmond tells rally Scotland has 'natural majority' for independence 0 guardian
Prince Charles: speaking up, in secrecy 1 guardian
Defence expert: Zimmerman account of Martin death tallies with evidence 1 guardian
Labour and the unions: Mr Miliband rolls the dice 1 guardian
US must fix secret Fisa courts, says top judge who granted surveillance orders 2 guardian