News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Tretchikoff's Chinese Girl fetches nearly £1m at auction 1 guardian
My grandfather's budget scoop saw off a chancellor – how times have changed 1 guardian
Scottish prisoners challenge ban on voting in independence referendum 5 guardian
Government takes another step towards selling stake in Lloyds and RBS 4 guardian
NSA spying row: bugging friends is unacceptable, warn Germans 5 guardian
In praise of ... telegrams 1 guardian
RSA warns over NSA link to encryption algorithm 0 bbc
Betrayals of the NHS must end. It's time for doctors to fight back 1 guardian
Heathrow passengers face fare rises under plans to increase landing fees 1 guardian
Olympic opening show's string theory 1 guardian
David Cameron and Hacked Off clash 1 guardian
The Church of England's search for salvation 1 guardian
Easy Money – review 1 guardian
New to nature no 109: Anochetus hohenbergiae 1 guardian
Wadjda – review 1 guardian
Kashmir militants rebuild their lives as hopes of a lasting peace grow 1 guardian