News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Algeria hostage crisis: claims of Canadian leader raises fears 5 guardian
North Wales child abuse: more than 140 people say they were victims 4 guardian
Yet another poet leaves a mark on the northern landscape 3 guardian
Texas tornadoes kill at least six people and leave dozens injured 2 guardian
El Salvador gang truce leads to plummeting murder rates 1 guardian
French restaurant tycoon Dominique Desseigne must undergo paternity test 3 guardian
Father of abducted Atiya must remain in jail, judge rules 3 guardian
South-west England and south Wales brace for further floods 3 guardian
How can budget-slashed local councils subsidise business rates? 3 guardian
Firefighters tackle 'severe' blaze at Birmingham paper mill 4 guardian
Algeria hostage crisis: rivalries and reputation may be part of motive 4 guardian
Falling lifeboat kills Thomson cruise ship crew in Canary Islands 6 guardian
Why is Carlisle smelling of cheese? 3 guardian
Marks and Spencer profits fall as clothing disappoints 1 bbc
Marine Harvest agrees to limit pesticides and seal killings 1 guardian
State of the union 2013: Obama pledges new deal for US middle class 5 guardian