News Article Title Version Source Discovered
Algerian hostage crisis: details emerge of Britons killed 3 guardian
Vicky Pryce's prison memoir could lead to much-needed reforms 3 guardian
Derby fire deaths: Paul Mosley to appeal over jail term 3 bbc
Syria bombing is a blast against social harmony 4 guardian
Obama stands firm over debt ceiling and criticises GOP as 'irresponsible' 4 guardian
Obama to return to election campaign trail after Sandy 3 guardian
Northern Ireland toxic fumes cargo ship leak puts 18 people in hospital 3 guardian
Republicans reject White House fiscal cliff proposals as incomplete 3 guardian
Rightwing rivals both declare victory as battle to succeed Sarkozy turns nasty 3 guardian
China passes mental health law 3 guardian
Christopher Tappin close to US plea deal over arms charges 3 guardian
Hurricane Sandy batters Bahamas 4 guardian
Hillary Clinton wades into south-east Asian disputes 3 guardian
Dear President Obama … I hope you won't remain silent 3 guardian
As Obama prepares to visit Israel, there are mixed emotions on both sides 3 guardian
Brazil's fight against drug traffickers stretched thin along its porous borders 3 guardian