News Article Title Version Source Discovered
A month of volunteering with asylum seekers, the National Trust and Fairtrade 3 guardian
Comedian Beppe Grillo makes a splash in Sicily election campaign 5 guardian
Cyprus bailout: 'people are panicking, they're afraid of losing their money' 3 guardian
General Allen nomination for European command on hold – Leon Panetta 3 guardian
Wayne and Coleen Rooney announce arrival of baby Klay 0 bbc
Milk: Legislation threat if dairy code fails 0 bbc
Runaway teacher Jeremy Forrest due back in UK 4 guardian
Wife who stabbed husband's pregnant ex-lover is jailed for 10 years 3 guardian
Sheffield writer brings home top prize for helping those lost in translation 3 guardian
Edinburgh's Hogmanay lines up Simple Minds to headline new year festival 3 guardian
Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist obituary 3 guardian
PKK free Turkish hostages to reinforce peace talks with Erdogan government 3 guardian
Justin Welby invited to meet MPs over fast-tracking female bishop resolution 4 guardian
Chris Christie praises 'indomitable spirit' of New Jersey after Sandy 3 guardian
Direct mail accounts for nearly half of all UK letters 4 guardian
Cardinal Keith O'Brien: how Britain's Catholic leader fell from grace 3 guardian