News Article Title Version Source Discovered
British and Australian tourists kidnapped in Ecuador freed 3 guardian
Isaac downgraded to a tropical storm as Gulf residents enter survival mode 3 guardian
Police chief loses high court battle to block successor 6 guardian
Woman jailed for faking son's illness to claim £85,000 in benefits 5 guardian
Paul Ryan tries to sell Mitt Romney to the Republican national convention 3 guardian
Chris Huhne: how a high-flying cabinet minister was undone 4 guardian
The son who never was: strange tale of bogus orphan reveals cold war's legacy 3 guardian
Ranger comes forward as battle over Christopher Dorner reward hots up 3 guardian
Democrats' silence on drones leaves right in unlikely alliance with activists 3 guardian
Federal judge orders NYPD to stop using stop-and-frisk tactic in the Bronx 3 guardian
Hungarian prime minister warned over moves to increase his power 4 guardian
Are high profile child abuse cases driving an agenda to stiffen monitoring of home schooling? 3 guardian
Abdullah al-Senussi extradition unites Lockerbie relatives 3 guardian
Northern Ireland: envoy to meet loyalists in effort to avert riots 3 guardian
Japanese mayor's sex slaves comments condemned by US 2 guardian
High court rules against 'buffer zones' for windfarms 0 guardian